
D’ocean Blue Waterpark Resort endeavours to ensure that the information provided on this website is correct at the time of publication. However D'ocean Blue Waterpark Resort does not in any way guarantee, warrant or make any representations directly or indirectly regarding the correctness or suitability of the information contained on this website.

D'ocean Blue Waterpark Resort clarifies that the user of the website accepts sole and full responsibility and risk associated with the use of the information contained in this website. We at D'ocean Blue Waterpark Resort do not accept any responsibility or liability for any direct or consequential damage, inconvenience or loss suffered or incurred as a result of use of this website, or use of any information contained in the website.

D'ocean Blue Waterpark Resort further clarifies that the copyright in the information appearing on this website belongs in perpetuity to D'ocean Blue Waterpark Resort. The user of the website may use the information and content contained in the website for non-commercial purposes. But, any further use of the information contained in the website by a user for commercial purposes and without the permission of D'ocean Blue Waterpark Resort, may result in an action for breach of copyright.

The management has put all efforts to keep all the attractions operational; however it is possible that some of the rides or attractions may not be fully operational at all times. Some guests may not be to experience a particular attraction on a particular day or time due to technical/repairs & maintenance/electricity or power failure.

Guests are informed that they may be photographed/video-graphed during their visit to D'ocean Blue Waterpark Resort and such photographs/video recordings may be used by D'ocean Blue Waterpark Resort for promotional purpose